Office Accessibility
Our office is located in the Bedford Commons medical office park off South River Road in Building 1, which is accessed from Riverway Place. An oxblood colored “Bedford Commons” sign is located at the intersection of Riverway Place and South River Road together with a flagpole. There is no traffic light or stop sign at this crossroad.
Riverway Place is the access road into the office park and the park buildings are situated on both sides and at the circle-end of the street. Building 1 is situated on the right (south) side of Riverway Place and access is gained to the parking lot through the first driveway. Parking is free and unmarked. Our office is above LabCorp.
Building 1 is an “L” shaped building with the top of the “L” at the right side end of the building, which is where the entrance for our office will be found. It is a side of building entrance and our sign is on the front of the end of the building. Enter through the side entrance and proceed up the stairs to the second floor. We share the upstairs with two other businesses, but our door is plainly signed.
A word of caution: None of the buildings in Bedford Commons were built with elevators to the second floors including the building in which our office is located.
Moreover, access to our second floor is via a steep (approximately 52 degree incline), carpeted, shallow-tread (10 inches) 15-count set of stairs which may be challenging to climb and descend for people with difficulties walking, for those who use appliances such as walkers or canes, those with physical limitations such as pre- or post-hip or knee replacement, lower limb paralysis, muscle weakness, nerve inhibition, for those wearing knee or ankle braces, leg or foot boots, immobile joint casts, or lower limb prosthetics. There are handrails on both sides of the stairs but the stairs are wide (approximately 45 inches between handrails). There is no wheelchair access to this building and there are no ADA accommodations at the doors, doorsills, stairs, hallways, or restrooms.
We regret we are unable to offer a chair lift due to property management and condominium owner restrictions.